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Presentation of the alumni network

Alumni network

The IAE Pau-Bayonne alumni network relies on over 7000 graduates from our various programs and covers a wide range of professional sectors. By developing this network, we aim to promote experience sharing and create a close-knit and dynamic community.


What is an alumni ?


The term "Alumni," from the Latin "alumnus" meaning "pupil" or "student," refers to the graduates of a school. Initially popularized in prestigious universities (the Harvard Alumni Association dates back to 1890 !) and other business schools, alumni associations have gradually become widespread worldwide.
An alumni network is therefore the bringing together of all these graduates, but not only that !

At IAE Pau-Bayonne, we also aim to involve students so that they can benefit from the experience of alumni, as well as professional partners, who have a significant role to play in bridging the gap between education and the world of work.
This cohesion among students, graduates, and professionals is the cornerstone of the alumni network.



The IAE PAU-Bayonne Alumni community is a group of individuals who have a strong connection with our school and share their experiences ! To facilitate this, we rely on our dedicated platform, our social networks, as well as numerous events throughout the year.


The missions of the Alumni network

The network has several missions :

Add value to our school's graduates through testimonials and exchanges

Creating connections between students, graduates, professors, and professional partners to facilitate networking

Sharing news from the IAE and UPPA

 Offering a career center with job, internship, and apprenticeship offers

Organizing friendly events and thematic meetings

Developing mentoring

Strengthening the identity of IAE Pau-Bayonne



How to join the Alumni network ?

Do you want to stay in touch with the alumni of the school and be part of the family of IAE Pau-Bayonne Alumni ?

Join the alumni network



Need more information ? Contact us !

To help you, you can contact Vincent, the Alumni network development and animation referent :


Vincent Lastelle

05 59 40 81 41 // 06 64 72 92 07

alumni.iae @ univ-pau.fr