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Research at IAE Pau-Bayonne

The importance of research

The teachers-researchers in office at the IAE belong to two research laboratory : Management Research Laboratory (LiREM) and the Computer Science Laboratory of the University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour (LIUPPA).

IAE Pau - Bayonne contributes to the financing of research activity in management at University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour.

Our teachers-researchers develop work on the theme of sustainable management for organizations, whether it is for :

  • Employees (well-being at work),
  • Managers (tools for sustainable growth management),
  • Users (digital city, participation in decisions...),
  • Patients (Adapted care pathway) or
  • The whole society (pollution reduction...).



Our goal is to serve a scientific project which is divided into three levels :

1. Management and individual transitions

  • Employment to Entrepreneurship
  • Expatriation/Impatriation

2. Management and organizational transitions

  • Business creation, growth, internationalization and business transfer
  • Hybridization of healthcare organizations
  • Logistics and Transportation: decarbonisation, green transportation and Supply chain…

3. Society transitions and management

  • Local authorities and their satellites: a new place for the citizen/user
  • Sustainable development and CSR
  • Digitalisation
  • Health at work / prevention of psychosocial risks / well-being at work

The articles of our teachers-researchers

Studies that open up new perspectives on management issues.

All our articles (in French)

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Passionate experts who shape tomorrow's leaders.

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