International Students - Welcome
The « Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour » (UPPA) is a network of 4 campuses, which benefits from exceptional assets thanks to its geographical location near the Spanish border. The Graduate School of Management (IAE) is located on 2 campuses : Pau and Bayonne.
UPPA is a medium sized university that provides a unique, personal and inclusive experience to students and staff. It places students in the heart of an environment which blends education, research, culture, sport, leisure and social life.

Language requirements :
- B2 or IELTS 6.0 in French for a Master taught in French
- B2 or IELTS 6.0 in English for the EIBS students

How to apply ?
- If you are an student exchange program : How to apply - Student Exchange Program.
A student exchange program takes part in international mobility within the framework of a bilateral partnership agreement between two universities.
- If you are a free mover student : How to apply - Free Mover.
A student is considered to be a free mover when he or she takes part in an international mobility outside from any bilateral partnership agreement.