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IAE Pau-Bayonne offers its students high-level professionalizing programs and excellent teaching in the field of management.

Obtaining the diploma is subject to completing internships periods within a company in the private or public sector, for profit or non-profit, in France or abroad.


All the students enrolled in the EIBS, ALI, IT and MIAL Master's programmes will be expected to do a compulsory internship during the second semester of their second second year.

Regarding the MIAL Master's, the internship will be done in Latin America.
For the other Master's programs, the students are free to do their internship anywhere they wish (Europe, Asia, Americas, etc.). 

Tips to help you in your internship search :

  • Target key companies


  • Keep an eye on internships offers, company news with an efficient internet monitoring


  • Participation to jobboards




  • Be active on social networks like indeed, linkedIn etc., follow the key companies, ask questions to professionals


  • Do not hesitate to post your CV on LinkedIn


  • Constantly develop your network and use key contacts


  • Do not hesitate to send spontaneous application


How to obtain your internship agreement ?

The agreement is mandatory and must be signed before the start of the internship by representatives of the company or host organization and the student.

First step : Establish the Liaison Form. This document is essential for collecting the information necessary to establish your agreement.
After the pedagogical validation of the document, you will need to enter the Internship Agreement in your ENT space where you will find the P-Stage application.

Key information

  • For an internship in France, a gratuity becomes mandatory when the internship extends over a period that exceeds 2 consecutive months. This gratuity is set at €4.35 per hour.


  • The duration of the internship cannot exceed six months per academic year.


  • If you are doing an internship abroad, access the Aquimob platform of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region to obtain all the necessary information about financial assistance for internships abroad.

More useful information about your internship in France

More useful information about your internship abroad

Need help finding your internship ?

At the Pau and Bayonne campuses, the Partnerships Relations Service of IAE Pau-Bayonne assists students in their internship search.

Partnerships Relations

Contact us (partenaires.iae @ univ-pau.fr)